Emotional Transformation Therapy TM
What if there was a way to help you change from depressed, angry or frightened moods into joyful, peaceful and confident moods rapidly and consistently? There is now a way to transform moods that seem like they will not go away. What's better is that it is natural, quick and, in most cases, permanent. It does not require any drugs, strange herbs or any other invasive procedures like electric shock or surgery. This leading-edge power therapy is called Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT) developed in the 1990's by Steven R. Vazquez, Ph.D.
The challenge of emotion
Many people have been traumatized by an accident, loss of a loved one, a rape, etc. and continue to have physical tension, nightmares or depression. When you are in that position, it is no longer true that since the event cannot be changed, you are stuck with the bad feelings about the event. The fact is, with ETT, the emotion about the event can be changed. This makes all the difference because the memory of the event usually becomes neutral when the emotions are really resolved.
Painful issues, such as sexual or physical abuse, divorce, the pain of a sexual affair or the pain of a broken heart, tends to cripple the way you live. These types of problems often interfere with your ability to love, trust or otherwise enjoy relationships. Through actually transforming these painful emotions, a completely new way of life can emerge. It is the unresolved emotions that so often contaminate the potential for fulfillment. While a drug may give you temporary relief, transforming the feelings involved and re-learning healthy ways to relate goes a long way to preventing relapse and more problems.
Ways to cope that often don't work
Some people manage unwanted emotional states by detaching, distracting or allowing time to pass as an avoidance technique. While this approach can be helpful, far too many times "putting it behind you" only serves to delay, not eliminate, emotional states. Worse yet, this type of coping most often leads to medical conditions like physical pain, high blood pressure, ulcers, etc. Some counseling techniques encourage people to express emotions through crying, screaming or otherwise venting feelings in hopes that this will result in the relief of these emotions. While this is helpful in some cases, far too often the emotions are still present afterwards. Another strategy, cognitive therapy, is designed to help people correct unhealthy thinking. In this way, it is hoped that when negative or irrational thinking changes, so too would emotional states change. Sometimes this works, but far too often the emotional charge remains the same even when a person knows how to think correctly. While ETT values and uses healthy thinking and appropriate emotional expression, it does not rely solely on these methods. Finally, many people take drugs to cope with emotions whether they are legal, such as with alcohol, nicotine or caffeine, or illegal, such as pot, cocaine or heroin. In either case, this strategy fosters dependency and is not a long-term cure.
What does emotional "transformation" mean?
The term "transformation" of emotional states refers to a thorough and rapid progression through an emotional state that is likely to change that emotion into a healthier, more functional and productive state. For example, hopelessness often transforms into empowerment, sadness into love, fear into confidence, anger into peace, etc. The strategy involves the person briefly facing the challenging emotion in such a way that it facilitates a reduction of the emotion and then a new emotional state emerges. This type of change is like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly; its essence is the same but it no longer resembles the previous state. The change is often so dramatic that it is difficult to appreciate unless you have experienced it first hand.
Can it help uncontrolled thoughts and behaviors?
Emotional transformation has a powerful effect on changing unwanted negative or obsessive thinking patterns as well as unhealthy behavior. In many cases, it is the emotions behind the thinking that promotes negative attitudes or obsessive thoughts. When the emotional state that is driving these thoughts is transformed, it becomes natural and easier to take control of thought processes. The same is true of unhealthy behaviors. If the emotional states that are causing the behavior are transformed, it becomes much easier to change behavior patterns.
What if you are not in touch with your feelings?
There are many people who are emotionally crippled by not being able to feel their emotions. They have learned to detach from unpleasant emotions to such a degree that when it is appropriate to cry, laugh or otherwise express their feelings, they just cannot do it. Emotional Transformation Therapy values and respects the importance of human emotions. Therefore, when the problem pertains to raising awareness to the experience of emotions, that goal can also be achieved in profound ways through this method.
Can ETT help medical problems?
The transformation of emotional states has powerful affects on a number of medical conditions. At least 65% of all illness is stress-related. Through altering the stress component of a medical condition, the condition itself can improve dramatically. Attitudes, beliefs and relationships are well-known to have a major impact on illness and recovery. It is the difficult emotions that help form attitudes, beliefs and relationships. Therefore, if these challenging emotions can be transformed, medical conditions can also be helped. Life-threatening illnesses like heart disease, cancer and multiple sclerosis are well-known to be stress-related and thus responsive to ETT. Research has recently shown that there is a strong relationship between the immune system and psychological functioning. Therefore, when unfulfilling emotional states are transformed, the immune system is strongly impacted. This means conditions like lupus (SLE), arthritis, allergies and chronic fatigue syndrome can be helped through ETT. Many physical pain syndromes like low back pain, migraine headaches, TMJ (temperomandibular joint pain) and fibromyalgia are strongly related to stress and are therefore helped by ETT. Conditions associated with accidents injuries and life changes also may respond to ETT.
How does it work?
Most people seek therapeutic help because they feel stuck in unpleasant, unwanted moods. New discoveries about how light stimulation affects moods have made possible powerful ways to transform emotional states. In the treatment of winter depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), research has shown that certain types of light literally changes unpleasant moods. It has now been discovered that the use of certain specific wavelengths of light emitted into the subject's eyes during counseling can bring forth dormant emotions as well as transform moods.
An initial session typically consists of an intake interview in which a history is taken, and objectives are clarified. Then assessments ares usually conducted in order to evaluate your unique responsivity to light treatment can be custom-tailored to maximize its effects for you. A counseling process of interactive guidance takes place during the light stimulation. When light stimulation and expressive interaction take place at the same time, it has the effect of heightening awareness and generally speeding up all of counseling far beyond typical face to face talk therapy. By participating in guided procedures involving talk, eye movement and certain types of breathing, powerful emotional changes usually occur.
If I am taking medications, does it interfere?
There are many types of medication as well as different responses to them, so this must be evaluated on an individual basis. Mood altering medication can interfere with the outcome of ETT. When ETT improves the emotional state for which you are taking a medication, chances are that the need for that medication can be reduced or eliminated, but reduction of medication should be guided by your doctor. Scientific evidence suggests that light stimulation has been found to affect the neurotransmission of serotonin, which plays a role in the experience of emotion. However, light stimulation is far more compatible with the nervous system than antidepressants as evidenced by the lack of significant side effects. Other drugs that can interfere with desired outcomes are some pain medications, alcohol and many types of illicit drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc. However, most medications have not hampered the results and each person's medication should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if it may interfere with this method.
How long does it take?
ETT is a breakthrough in terms of quick effects. Much of the length of time necessary is determined by you. For example, if you want to get over a long-standing depression, you can choose to participate in daily or multiple sessions and transform depression in a matter of weeks or less. However, if financial limitations are a problem, fewer sessions can take place per week but the length of treatment may be longer. Each person may need a different length of time. After an initial intake and evaluation, the length of treatment that is best for you is recommended. Unless there are complicated medical issues, drug or alcohol use or personality disorders, the process is exceptionally fast. Different conditions require different recovery time. Therefore, the length of your treatment will be dependent upon your diagnosis and your psychological constitution.
Does my insurance cover ETT?
ETT is a form of psychotherapy. Therefore, if your insurance covers psychotherapy, it is likely to cover this approach as long as the professional using it is credentialed according to the insurance company requirements.
Going beyond just getting better
In addition to working through unwanted emotions, this approach often stimulates very positive states of mind. Learning-disabled people often experience a new way of thinking, and mental blocks often give way to creativity, insights and intuition. Sometimes states of extreme well being spontaneously occurs. There are specific ETT strategies that help people unlock the meaning of their night dreams as well as open up new direction for their lives.
How do I get started?
Telephone or email our office for more information or to set up an appointment.
Telephone: 405-595-6603
E-mail: lindahines@lindahines.com |